Tuesday, April 13, 2010

On Colon Cleansing Pills and Clinical Cleansing

So, how is it everyone ? Been busy as my mom has been hospitalised for breathlessness and not been able to check on my blog. On doc's advice, also did a MT scan but luckily so far nothing is found to be wrong with her.

Ever tried any of the OTC colon cleansing pills or even gone for a colon cleanse before ?

The reason why you are at my blog now is probably to find out more about them.

In an earlier post, I mentioned I went for a colon cleanse/screen. It was "alright" once you get used to that feeling LOL , if you know what I mean. Otherwise, it will certainly be something worth experiencing LOL, on top of getting a good cleanse :)

To sum up, however, colon cleansing pills that are of vegetarian formula are highly recommended as it is less abrasive to your gut. Also, it is advisable that you go for a cleanse if you have not done so. Doing it once every few years is good for you.

Learn to take care of your colon as it is often highly disregarded ~

However, do consult with your family doctor first to see if the OTC medicine or the clinical cleanse is suitable for you. Read on in my blog about OTC cleansing medication, colon cancer screening and who is suitable :)

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Colon Cancer

Colon cancer is amongst the top 5 cancer causing illness affecting in developed nations so even if you do not encounter a case in your family or friends / associates, you should not belittle it.

Do not overlook the upkeep and maintenance of your gut or digestive system.

Having a cleansed colon will also bring about the general sense of well being in you and you will feel good when you keep a proper diet and you feel healthy.

There are plenty of herbal cleansing OTC medication that you can also try to maintain a healthy digestive system.

If in doubt, go to your local doctor for a check up or even undergo a colon cleanse or detox program.

Cheers !

Friday, March 26, 2010

Colon Cancer

My blog is a very generalistic blog on colon cancer and various colon cleansing solutions.

It is more for your reading pleasure and a source of online information.

It is by no means exhaustive as the internet is a rich source of information.

But to be on the safe side, you should approach your local government clinics for a body scan or full body checkup once every year to ensure that you are fine. Never overlook colon issues like cancer which can cause you great suffering.

Going for a colon cleanse once a year is also something that you might want to put in your annual calendar.

Or have a healthy diet covering colon detoxication that will help you in your digestion and protect your gut against all the daily "wear and tear".

Remember, having colon cancer is no joke and will cause you more agony especially when you will have problems eating.

Get treated for colon cancer if you are discovered early and that can be easier as compared to later years when the cancer cells spread and you end up with more issues than you can handle on top of a hefty medical bill.

Search the net ! Or go see a doctor if you are worried !

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Importance of a Healthy Colon

Just a short note to stress one thing to you :


So having said that, go through my blog on how to have a healthy diet that will aid you in maintaining a healthy colon. Tips on colon cleansing and the various off the counter drugs that are available on the market which you can take to aid you in your daily digestive tract cleansing.

Never overlook your colon as it can lead to unpleasant complications !

Friday, March 19, 2010

The Diet After a Colon Cleanse

The body has effectively two "brains" - the one located in our head, and the one located in our gut. We normally do not pay a lot of attention to the colon - we usually think more about the heart, brain, and lungs as more important organs to take care of.

However, consider this :

Our colon is the 3rd most common organ where cancer develops.

Colon Cancer is one of the leading cause of cancer death in developed nations

Think that's not enough ? Also consider this :

When toxins end up in our colon, they can ultimately do one of 2 things:

  1. Be elimintated through easy bowel movements.
  2. Be backed up back into our body, where it can end up in our bloodstream, and ultimately cause cell damage or cancer.

A colon cleanse is necessary in cleaning out the various toxins stuck in our colon, but afterwards it's just as important to maintain that clean colon. Afterall, no matter how many times you clean your colon through medical means, if you do not maintain a clean colon and a healthy diet, then all efforts are wasted.

We can start with of course, a clean diet that's good for the colon. What foods are involved in this diet ? Fiber and more fiber.

To promote regularly, we need fiber. That's obvious to many people, yet a lot of us don't get enough of it, so we need to stress the point.

Get your greens every single day.

Eat nuts: Brazil nuts, almonds, walnuts, and chestnuts. Avoid peanuts and cashews as much as possible. They aren't as healthy as the aforementioned ones.

Whole grains: Choose barley and rye. Consider eating some Kichadi and legumes for lunch. Wild rice is excellent too, and superior to white rice.

A high-fiber diet helps toxins, residue waste, and fecal matter sweep out of the colon. It prevents constipation by stimulating peristalsis, and making our bowels less hard.

Fiber is divided into two types: soluble and insoluble. Soluble fiber helps increase the amount of good bacteria, which helps rid us of bad bacteria such as E.Coli.

Good Sources:

- Flaxseed
- Legumes, beans, and peas.
- Oats, rice, and barley.
- Strawberries
- Citrus, and apples

Insoluble Fiber prevents constipation.

Good Sources:

- Whole wheat, rye, brown rice, barley
- carrots
- brussel sprouts
- cabbage, beets

Everyone needs between 22-36 grams of fiber a day. Most people unfortunately don't even come close to reaching this amount. Ideally, we should be getting at least 6 servings of veggies and fruits, and 6+ of whole grains. If you're not getting enough fiber, consider taking fiber supplements. However, it is better to get it from whole foods.

Green Foods

Green foods contains a ton of chlorophyll, which is great for the colon. Chlorophyll helps smoothens any damaged tissue in the GI tract. With chlorophyll, our body gets more oxygens and releases more toxins.

Good Sources:

-wheatgrass, spirulina, algae
-Perfect Food supplement Fermented Foods

Many of our diets lack fermented foods. We need these foods to maintain the balance of bacteria in our GI tract. They help keep toxic substances in check, reduce the number of bad bacteria, and provide energy to the colon.

Good Sources:
-Cultured yogurt
-Kefir (preferably homemade)

Ideally we should drink up to ten cups of water a day. Whenever I feel sick, or dizzy I immediately reach out for my bottle of water. There's something called the Water Cure, for those who are interested about learning the benefits of water.

Do not consume alcohol, or substitute water with black tea or coffee. If you want, you can add a bit of lemon, or sea salt to the water for some electrolytes.

So once again, here is the type of diet you should follow after colon cleansing :

  1. Eat foods high in fiber such as whole gains. Make sure you eat soluble and unsoluble fiber.
  2. Include fermented foods in your diet such as kefir.
  3. Eat foods high in chlorophyll such as wheatgrass, and algage. You should do this, no what Colon Cleansing Formulas you use.
  4. Drink up to 10 glasses of water a day and avoid coffee and black tea.

Monday, March 15, 2010

What is Colon Hydrotherapy ?

A colon hydrotherapy is one of the most beneficial things you can do for your colon, as it washes out residue wastes and toxins out of your colon, strengthens and smoothens it at the same time and effectively providing a suitable environment for bacterial balance.

In a normal session, the patient will lie down on a table, where warm and filtered water will be injected into your colon, through the rectum, of course. This infusion of water washes away toxic wastes stuck in your colon, and stimulates peristalsis - which helps release the fecal matter out.

The experience is not painful, even if it sounds awkward. But before going to a session, it would be smart to prepare yourself by doing the following:

  1. Do not drink anything carbonated 2 days before the therapy.
  2. Do not drink liquids 1 hour before the therapy.
  3. Do not eat anything 2 hours beforehand.
  4. Do not consume any junk food such as fatty foods, packaged and processed foods.
  5. Come to the session with a positive outlook in life. If you come in depressed, it might make the procedure a bit painful.

Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Colon Hydrotherapy

1. Is the procedure safe?


There have not been many cases, if any of people getting injured from a colon hydrotherapy. Many centers use the newest equipment. A hydrotherapy is in fact safer than adminstering a normal enema to yourself. These are trained experts that know how to do this, and who have done the procedure many times before.

2. How is the hydrotherapy different from an enema?

An enema is not as thorough, as it can't reach as many areas as a hydrotherapy. It can reach the rectum and the lower colon. Colon hydrotherapy, however reaches the entire portion of the colon. No matter how many enemas you take, it can not be as effective 1 hydrotherapy session. Simply because it can't reach as far.

3. Does it hurt a lot?

Not at all.

The first session may feel a little awkward, but you should not feel any pain. Afterwards, the sessions actually will feel quite calm and relaxing.

4. Should I conduct my doctor before going to a session ?

Absolutely, if you feel the need to. If you are concerned about the saftey of a hydrotherapy, going to your personal doctor is a good thing, and I would recommend it.

In fact, if you have any of the following diseases, you shouldn't get a colon hydrotherapy at all :

- diverticulitis
- Crohn's disease
- ulcerative colitis
- rectal or intestinal tumors
- severe hemorrhoids

If unsure, do consult with your doctor.

6. Can I get any virus or infection as a result of colon hydrotherapy ?

Not at all, since all of the equipment is sterilized and cleaned thoroughly after each and every session. The disposables are immediately disposed after one session.

Proper steps are taken to ensure the entire procedure will be safe, sanitized and clean. You won't get any infection, whatsoever if your administrator knows what he/she is doing. So, go ahead and find a colonic center near you, because a colon hydrotherapy are a necessary step in colon cleansing if you're not getting an enema.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Review of Colopril - a Herbal Colon Cleanser

Article Extract : www.colonzone.org

Colopril is a herbal supplement that claims to be another comprehensive colon cleaner. It is promoted to clean and detoxify the colon, lungs, kidney and heart. A healthy colon can create better health. When there are excess toxins in the body, it suffers and leads to ailments like obesity, bad skin and hair, foul smelling breath and many others.

When the colon is eliminated of these toxins weight loss is a benefit, until the colon is filled with more waste. Colopril claims to be an all-natural colon cleanser that reduces weight, helps to improve skin by making it smoother and clearer, helps increase energy, promotes a healthy immune system and helps the body absorb vitamins and minerals from food better.

It also claims that it’s specially formulated to help remove parasites and heavy metals from the body and to prevent further build-up through the dietary fiber that is included in the system.

To understand Colopril, the ingredients must be looked at. The two main ingredients are cascara sagrada and psyllium.

Cascara Sangrada has compounds called anthroquinones, which give cascara its powerful laxative effects. Anthroquinones help to trigger contractions in the colon and this causes the urge to have a bowel movement. It is the most common herbal laxative. It is also known to improve the muscle tone of the colon wall.

Psyllium husks are used to help relieve constipation, irritable bowel syndrome and diarrhea.

They are also used to help improve and maintain regular GI transit and can be used as a regular dietary supplement. Psyllium husks may help to lower cholesterol and help to control diabetes.

These two ingredients are powerful laxatives and will help the body to remove waste, but this alone can not help thoroughly cleanse the body and give the extra benefits that Colopril claims that their supplement gives. Elimination is only one part of the detox process. Many supplement programs provide probiotics that help to restore the balance of the intestinal flora, which help aid in balancing digestion. However, Colopril does not.

This product also claims to be a weight loss supplement and some users have had some temporary positive results, but upon long term use they gained the weight back. Colopril has no diet recommendations, so the weight loss many people experience is due to extra elimination of waste. The user should change any poor lifestyle choices and maintain a proper diet and exercise program with any supplement.

A clean digestive tract can metabolize food much more efficiently if the body is not constantly being bogged down with toxins from processed foods, sugar and fats. When doing any kind of detox program eating vegetables, fresh fruit, vegetables, whole grains and drinking plenty of water is recommended. Since Colopril has no diet recommendations many people continue their diet and see no results.

One major complaint that people have with Colopril is that it has no product guarantee or trial period offered. Users have tried the product, have not been happy with the results and could not return the product for a full or even a partial refund.

Maybe because it is a herbal cleanser with no other side effects, people are willing to give it a try. Some people benefit from it, some don't.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Available Colon Cleansers On the Market

Below is a brief description of some of the common colon cleansers available on the market currently.

This product uses natural herbs in the form of capsules to clean the lower GI tract of debris. It helps kill worms and prevents bacteria, parasites and fungi from sticking to the walls. It helps decrease bloating, repairs micro tears and legions and speeds up the healing of gastric ulcers. This is a 30-day cleansing cycle and is quite effective.

Dual Action Cleanse
This capsulated colon cleanser uses natural herbs to cleanse the body’s digestive tract of undigested mucous and fecal mater. It uses a Total Body Purifier and a Colon Clear Formula side-by-side to filter the liver and kidney and also to unclog the colon. This does not create loose stools, but promotes healthy, regular bowel movements. It also relieves gas, bloating and skin and hair are healthier. It increases energy and vitality at the same time.

This is meant to be used on a 30-day on 30-day off cycle.

Colon Cleansing Formula Vegetarian Softgels by L.A. Naturals
Another capsulated product which utilises natural, organic herbs to remove waste from the colon.

This product can be used for 60 days.

The Almighty Cleanse
This product uses natural herbs in the form of capsules or shakes to gently remove fecal mater and impurities on the intestinal walls.

Formula One capsules regulate the digestive tract while Formula Two which comes in capsule or powder form scrubs the digestive tract clean.

The Almighty Colon Cleanse takes about 7 days to detoxify the body.

Sculpt n’ Cleanse
This product uses natural herbs in the form of capsules to gently break down the waste like dried fecal matter and mucous that has been lodged in the intestinal tract. It promotes weight loss, relieves bloating, makes the skin appearance better and promotes regularity.

This is a 3-5 month colon cleansing cycle.

This is a 30 to 60 day supplement that uses natural herbs in fiber, capsules and tea. These specialized products are known to help clean the colon comprehensively. This product helps to perform a total detoxification of the body when used in conjunction with it’s “add-on” product Toxinout.

Dr. Schulze Intestinal Formula #1 Herbal Colon and Parasite Cleanse
This encapsulated product uses natural herbs to stimulate the muscular movement in the colon. It strengthens the muscles in the large intestine and the mucous membrane lining of the intestinal tract.

At the same time, it improves digestion, relieves gas, eliminates yeast overgrowth, cleans the liver and gallbladder and increases the flow of bile. It is anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungal. This cleansing process can be done until at least one bowel movement is taken after every meal. Between 2-4 bowel movements each day is normal. There is no limit to this cleansing.

Dr. Schulze Intestinal Formula #2 Herbal Colon and Parasite Cleanse
This product uses organic and wild crafted ingredients in the powder form to remove waste deep in the bowels. This has the 3most powerful ingredients know to affectively absorb and neutralize which are Clay, Charcoal and Pectin.

This has 4 herbs that are known to most effectively sooth the intestine so that the fecal mater and mucous built up can be removed gently. It also contains a strong anti-inflammatory and soothing agent for the mucous membrane lining of the entire intestinal tract. This is meant to be a 30-day cleansing cycle.

Take some time out to visit your local pharmaceutical store and check them out. If you are not sure of which one to purchase, consult the pharmacist or your local doctor for further assistance.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Are Colon Cleansers Safe ?

Again we are back to this topic.

Please read on.

The colon is a vital organ of our body and keeping it clean is of uptmost importance. Colon cleaning is a way of temporarily cleaning out the organ, getting rid of all the build up and clogs that have been accumulated over time and body cannot get rid of in a natural way. There are many different methods of cleaning the colon and before undertaking any method you should always understand any affects and reactions that they can cause the body. Even natural supplements and herbal remedies will have side affects and you should always know what they are before taking anything in order to understand what may happen while you are on them.

There are many different methods that are available to you for colon cleansing, most of which are brilliant and perfectly safe. There are of course some that have chemicals, stimulants and these can be very harsh and abrasive on the body and its systems. The deciding factors, as to whether colon cleaner is safe or not, are its ingredient and the actions that they will carry out on the body.

Herbal remedies that contain natural fibers and nutrients they are generally harmless as they are what we should be taking in naturally in our diets but are lacking due to mal nutrition. Some herbs are extremely powerful and can have very large impacts on our bodies, so don’t take herbal remedies for granted when you are looking at colon cleanser. Fibrous nutrients generally have a natural way of clumping stools together and aiding the passage of faecal matter through the digestive system and out of colon.

The biggest risk among people who use colon cleansers is the over use of them. All colon cleansing methods are for a short term usage only and should never be used on a regular basis for more than a few months. When serious cases of constipation arise and when people are in particular discomfort then they are good for temporary relief but a deep colon cleanse should only ever be performed twice a year at the worst.

The body should never be allowed to become dependent on the aid of substances to perform its natural habits and there are affects of dehydration and abrasion that can occur with overuse.

Though there are not many, there are some actual dangerous colon cleansing products which should be avoided at all costs. These products can be dangerous to a person’s long term health and should never be used, even on a temporary basis. Any colon cleaner that contains synthetic or chemical products should be avoided as these can permanently damage a person’s nervous system and muscles in the intestinal wall. These products can also cause very harsh irritation on the colon wall lining and the lining of the intestine which will cause further problems with the digestive system in the future.

Enemas are a safe colon cleansing method if used under strict and professional conditions. Repeated enemas can be dangerous and can damage the rectal wall and colonic tissues through repeated abrasion and force. Enemas should only be carried out in medical condition by a trained professional and never tried to be undertaken alone or at home.

Most colon cleansers are safe to use and are extremely beneficial to people when they need to detox and remove waste from their bodies, yet whenever you are looking to undertake any form colon cleanse, side effects and details should always be taken into consideration so as not to damage any part of your health in the long term.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Reasons Why a Clean Colon Is Ever So Important

Whether you like it or not, a colon cleanse is beneficial to each and every person in the world today. Everyone can benefit from a body detox and a colon cleanse is the first step that every one should take before performing a full body detox.

Whether you have been feeling under the weather, had a major illness or just feeling a little weary and sluggish you can reap many rewards from undergoing a colon cleansing session and start improving your over all health and well being.

The digestive system as a whole is an often overlooked, vital part of the body and people never seem to remember that the colon is in fact one of our major organs and should be given the same care and respect as the liver and lungs. The digestive system controls all that we take in to our bodies and this includes all the toxins in the air, chemicals and food and all the waste products that our body will produce need to pass through the digestive system and out through the colon.

Sticking the ideal dietary requirements in today’s world is not an easy task to do. We are so stressed and busy in our lives that people don’t intake all the minerals and vitamins they require to keep their bodies acting at peak performance rates. If there is a build up of the toxic and harmful substances in our bodies then it can cause further health complications in the future. If our digestive systems become slow and sluggish due to lack of health then it cannot properly get rid of the toxins and waste and faecal matter builds up and becomes impacted against the walls of the lower intestines and the colon.

There are so many benefits to having a colon cleanse that it is difficult to name all of them in one go but you will find that whatever ailment or health problem you can think of benefit, in some respect, from a colon will cleanse. Your quality of life can be increased in so many ways through a variety of colon cleaners, and you will find that regular colon cleanses can benefit everyone in all walks of life.

Increased energy levels, healthier clear skin, loss of weight and bloating and less common headaches are all benefits that can be achieved through colon cleaning and you will find joint aches and pains as well as more regular bowel movements and more food tolerance are also gained from a clean colon and improved digestive system. A colon cleanse can make one feel like a new person and so much more vibrant and happy in life.

There are many chemical and bacterial advantages to having a colon cleaning session as well as the physical and mental reasons. A persons PH balance will become more stable and their toxicity levels decrease. As well as this the oxygen performance, which affects all the systems in he body, will be enhanced which causes better over all health for all individuals both young and old.

A persons digestive system is so important and this is not stressed enough to most people suring their lives and so they tend to fail to understand the importance of looking after it and making sure that all the system is working at its best through out their lives. A regular colon cleanse and enhance peoples health and well being in so many ways that everyone should be having regular cleanses in order to remain happy and healthy.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

What is Colon Cancer

To know what is colon cancer, firstly it is important to know what is the Colon.

Now Colon is a part of our body’s digestive system, this is where the body stores waste material . The end of the colon adjacent is the rectum which leads to the anus. Both together, form an extended muscular tube which is known as large intestine which is also known as large bowel.

Colon or rectum tumors are growths that arise from the large intestines or large bowels inner wall. Large intestines benign tumor is called polyps, and large intestines malignant tumor is called cancer. Benign polyps do not have the tendency to invade tissues around and even don’t spread to different parts of a body.

Benign polyps are not at all life-threatening and can be very easily removed via colonoscopy. However if this benign polyps is not removed for a long time from large intestine it can turn into malignant. Most cancers of large intestine or the large bowel is known to be developed from benign polyps. There is even a possibility that cancer cell could break and spread from one organ to another like lungs and liver and form new tumors. Hence, colon cancer.

Globally rectum and colon cancer is third foremost reason of cancer found in men and fourth foremost reason of cancer found in women. Colon cancer is commonly found in Western world, but is relatively uncommon in Africa and Asia.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Thinking of Going for a Colon Cleanse Myself

Having written so much about colon cancer and colon cleansing, I am now also deliberating on whether I should go for a detox program at my local government clinic.

Been eating too much lately especially over this festive season (Chinese New Year), binging and overeating so much so that my stomach and abdomen areas feels very bloated and clogged .....

Heck, I hope to go back to normal eating habits after I am done with all the new year goodies LOL.

Oh well, it is good to go for a colon cleanse once in a blue moon, if it is a regular checkup which is good for the bowels/intestines anyways.

Ok, going for a full body health checkup while at it :)

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Overview of What Cancer Is

To find out more about Colon Cancer first we need to know what Cancer is.

A collection of 100 or more different disease is Cancer. Cancer affects the cells which are a body’s necessary unit; Cancer usually occurs when the body cells starts behaving abnormally and split or divides without order or control. Like other organs, a human body’s rectum and colon also is made-up of several kind of cells. Generally, cells divide or split for producing more cells, this happens only when a body needs more cells. This orderly procedure helps in keeping us healthy.

If body cells keep splitting or dividing when the body does not need new cells, then a mass or collection of tissue starts forming. This mass or collection of additional tissue is called a tumor or growth, which can be malignant or benign.

Tumors which are called benign do not have Cancer. They are normally removable and in many cases they usually don’t come back. Most importantly, benign tumor cells don’t spread at all to other body parts. In extreme rare cases benign tumor can be a threat to any one’s life.

Tumors which are called malignant are the ones which have cancer. Cells which have cancer can damage and invade organs and tissues close to the tumor. Cancer cells are able to break or split away from malignant tumor, it can also enter the lymphatic or bloodstream system. Normally this is the way cancer spreads in a human body.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Colon Cleansing and Colon Cancer

The digestive system, intestines and colon’s main job and function in our bodies is to help the passage of food and return water and nutrients from food into our bodily systems and to remove the waste and toxins from the body with bowel movements.

In general, people are not eating the optimum diets that they need to keep their bodies working at peak performance rates in today’s world and our bodies are generally low in digestive enzymes which make our digestive systems and immune systems run slowly and lacking in efficiency.

When a person's fiber levels are lower than they should be the colon is not able to clean itself and our bodies of waste and toxins as well as they should be able to, this leads to a build up along the lower intestinal and colon walls of waste and toxins that can lead to further and more complicated health problems. The most serious problem that can occur when there is a build up of waste and toxins in our colon are colon cancer, this can also be hereditary so for people who have had relatives with colon cancer in their lives, a regular colon cleansing session is a very important health step to take.

With the immune system being weaker the disease is harder to fight and this is dangerous for the body.

Colon cancer is probably the most treatable form of cancer there is, it is a very common cancer and is easily avoided and dealt with as long as regular checks are made and the colon is looked after in order to keep it functioning correctly. Lowering your intake of high cholesterol and fatty foods is a basic way of preventing colon cancer and to try and promote more fiber and roughage into your diet.

Foods that are high in fats and this adds to build up of waste and is not easy to absorb into the body and should be avoided, food that are high in fiber and roughage help to collect waste and ease the passage of food throught he digestive system.

You should also be aware of the signs that would appear for colon cancer, these only generally appearing in later stages sp should be paid particular attention to, cramping, joint pain, weight loss, bloody, watery or thin stools and any weariness or fatigue.

There are many ways in which you can go about having a colon cleanse and not all of them have to be painful and invasive as tradition expects.

Herbal supplements are available that contain natural products that will help to aid digestion and raise the number of digestive enzymes present in the body and expel the waste build up from the colon. One of the most popular ingredients used in natural supplements is a plant fiber called psyllium, this is a natural plant fiber which expands in contact with water and can then cause the bowels to contract and the waste matter to be expelled through anus.

Eating right, drinking plenty of water and partaking in regular exercise should help to prevent the onset of colon cancer and problems with the digestive tract in general. As long as you are aware of the signs, have regular checks and regular colon cleanses then you will be well on your way to preventing any chance of suffering from problems with your digestion and colon in the future.

Saturday, February 13, 2010


Been having constipation these since this morning .......

And one day before the holidays. Sheez...

Having written so many posts on colon cancer and cleansing and watching countless YT videos on the symptoms, I do hope it is nothing serious.

I am on senna tablets now. If this does not work, will go see my family doc tomorrow.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Who Needs a Colon Cleanse ?

Many people are under the impression that unless they are diagnosed with a certain condition or told to have a colon cleanse by a doctor or if they are threatened by major diseases such as colon cancer then they will probably never need to undergo a colon cleansing session themselves.

For anyone who is researching colon cleansing comes to wonder if they need one, the simple answer is ‘Yes’, everyone will benefit from having a full detox diet and colon cleanse session in their lives at some point, no matter how healthy they are. People all over the world would all benefit from having a regular colon cleanse and detox session and there is no harm or side effects involved so many people do as they feel better and more happy with themselves afterwards.

Having a colon cleanse is refreshing for the body overall and lets your body get rid of all the toxins and waste that build up in all the bodily systems over time.

Some of the tell tale signs that arise in people who could really benefit from a colon cleanse are feeling tired, constipations, lack of energy, fatigue, cramping, joint ache and if you are suffering from allergies that you normally don’t have trouble with.

In general, having a colon cleanse twice a year is the most beneficial for all people and this can keep your immune system and all bodily functions working perfectly in order for you to maximize your nutrient intake and overall health.

Colon cleansing is especially beneficial to ill and elderly people and can help to keep their organs young, fresh and healthy and in peak working condition. As we get older our bodies and organs start working slower and less efficiently, a helping hand in keeping our bodies free of toxic build up and waste is always a good idea. In our every day lives we take in so much toxic matter, the environment, stress, work and malnutrition all help us to become tired and weary as well as our organs and body systems, they need rejuvenation just as we need sleep. Colon cleaners can work on removing the excess toxins and helping our bodies to work efficiently and our circulation to get back to its ideal rates.

For everyone who is beginning a detox diet, a colon cleanse should be performed before hand as in order to start cleansing over organs and systems in our body, we need the colon and intestines to be working perfectly. When we begin to detoxify all our bodily organs, the waste that is excreted from these organs will need to pass through the colon to be release, if the colon I not working at its optimum rate then this will cause further complications and stress on the colon.

There are many ways to perform a colon cleanse and the more natural the better in these cases as it puts less stress on the body and the toxins can leave in a natural and safe fashion. Online searches and consulting a local doctor can provide you with a lot of choices and methods regarding colon cleansing and you will be able to decide which is the most appropriate for your particular situation and which one you would be most comfortable with.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Surviving Colon Cancer

This is a video about Becky Moran who is a 2-year colon cancer survivor.

"I didn't have any symptoms and had nobody in my family that I knew of that had ever had it, so it was kind of unusual" says Becky.

Watch on about her story, hopes, fight against colon cancer and family/friend support !

Monday, February 1, 2010

Awareness is Key to Fighting Colon Cancer

Colon cancer, also called colorectal cancer, is the third most prevalent cancer in the United States. It was reported that last year alone more than 100,000 people living in the U.S. have started receiving treatment for colon cancer and this figure does not include the number of patients that succumbed to this disease in that same year. Almost 50,000 have died from it over the past year.

It is sad to think that amidst all the medical breakthroughs now available for the early detection of colon cancer, scores of people still have to die from it. Although the number of casualties is staggering, this is, in fact, a far cry from the record-high incidence of deaths caused by colon cancer back in the 80’s and early 90’s when much of the modern medical facilities we have now were still unavailable.

As with all types of cancer, the chances of anyone surviving from colon cancer is greatest when it is detected early. People who are at risk of contracting this disease should have themselves examined by a physician periodically. Men and women have about the same probability of acquiring colon cancer but there are factors that make some of us more susceptible to this disease than others.

The following conditions could make one a candidate for colon cancer:

  • Mature individuals who are at least 50 years old
  • Individuals who have developed cancer in the past but who may have recovered from it.
  • Known family members who have suffered from either colon or rectum cancer either polyposis or non–polyposis in nature.
  • If tumors have been found in your system especially along the lining of the rectum.
  • If you have a medical past on any of the two inflammatory bowel diseases (either Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis)
  • If you’ve observed that you have a genetic disease called familial adenomatous polyposis.

People who don’t have any of the conditions above may less likely develop colon cancer but there has been cases, although few, in which colon cancer has been found to develop in these individuals. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to your health at all times.

See to it that none of the following symptoms are bothering you for these are manifestations of colon cancer:

  • Bowel movement patterns have changed
  • Your weight has gone down and your normal activities easily wear you out.
  • You experience pains in your belly or tummy which is gassy in nature.
  • You are prone to diarrhea or constipation and that you still feel discomfort even after bowel movement.
  • There is blood mixed in your stool.
  • There’s a feeling of nausea frequently
  • The appearance of your stool, particularly the size looks different from normal

If more than one of these symptoms are experienced it is advisable to consult a doctor. The presence of colon cancer can be determined by using any of several procedures now available and these are done to check on the rectal areas and the blood.

As said previously, the earlier colon cancer is treated the greater one’s chances are to recover from it. By knowing the nature of colon cancer and how vulnerable we are to the disease is one of the ways that we could help ourselves and maybe others too, to win over this malady.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Another Youtube Video on Colon Cancer

A highly informative video on Colorectal Cancer which I thought I would like to share with all my followers.

For your viewing pleasure please.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Stressing the Importance of Colon Cleansing

People in the modern world are generally unaware of the vital importance that a healthy colon holds towards the benefits of their overall health and well-being, due to this colon cleansing is not a regular interest for many and this vital organ is often left neglected when it should be paid particular attention to.

Colon cleansing is fundamental to the overall well being and health of every single person in the world and regular colon cleanses will help everyone to live a healthier, happier and longer life.

The colon is probably the most neglected organ in the body and people are reluctant to talk about it and have regular checks due to the embarrassment factor and lack of knowledge of the colons uses and effects on the bodies overall health. The colon is just as vital to our health as our lungs, our liver and our entire digestive tract, it can be the deciding factor between a tired, weary and painful life filled with disease and various further health complications and a full, comfortable, exciting and healthy life.

Colon cleansing is a method of cleaning out the toxins, waste matter and impurities that, over time, have built up in the lower intestine and colon. Accumulated waste can become impacted on the walls of the intestine and colon which will cause more health complications and diseases if not removed in time.

Due to the unhealthy diets that most people have in today’s society and toxins that are in the air and environment all around us, most people will have a great deal of toxic build up in their digestive systems which is not able to digest all the impurities it takes in.

The health risks of not having a clean colon are plentiful, many people say that the root of all main illnesses lies with the colon being unclean and not functioning at its perfect rate. Constipation is the main sign that you are in need of a colon cleanse, this is an obvious symptom that presents itself quite clearly in many people. If left unattended, constipation can grow to be a bigger and more problematic health problem. Some of the problems that can arise from constipation are fatigue, joint and muscle pain, nausea, and loss of appetite.

Other illnesses and side effects can occur if an unclean colon goes unattended and can even lead to such problems as colon cancer and organ problems. The intestines are a breeding ground for toxins and impurities that will grow in the walls and waste matter that remains there and is not cleaned out. This can promote infection and further nasty problems to arise.

There are many simple steps you can take to promote a healthy digestive system and colon such as diet changes and exercise. Adding more fiber, roughage and water to your diet will help to flush out the system and break down waste matter. Fiber can act as a sweep for your intestine by collecting waste matter and getting rid of it in bowel movements. Fiber cannot be absorbed by the body so is taken out of the system through the colon.

There are many reasons to pay attention to the health of your colon and performing a simple web search can show you a lot of information on methods and ways of going about it.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Importance of Having a Healthy Diet

After going thru tons of research for my blog and getting a better understanding of colon cleansing and the cancerous effects, it is important to ensure an overall balanced and healthy diet that is rich in fiber/roughage.

At least that will help to lessen the workload of ur intestines.

And don't forget regular exercise to sweat it out !

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Natural Colon Cleansers

IF you are planning on performing a deep colon cleanse to benefit your overall health and well being then you should begin by looking at the natural colon cleaners’ available. These are by far the safest and least invasive form of colon cleansing and you will receive all the benefits that you would from artificial forms of colon cleansing.

The first thing that you can do to begin cleaning your colon is have a look at your diet; healthy eating is the first and foremost natural colon cleaner that we have at our fingertips.

Fruit and vegetables, and all foods that are rich in fibre and roughage are extremely effective at creating a healthier and better working digestive system and colon. Consuming foods that are high in dietary fiber will boost the body’s immune system and help to clean the lower intestine and the entire digestive tract as well as the colon. Fibers are so beneficial due to the fact that they are unable to be digested into the system and they retain water. This way they become heavy and move through the tract helping to push out all waste build up and toxins.

Another example of a natural colon cleaner is a diet that excludes food that help to dehydrate our bodies. Alcohol, coffee, fatty foods, and low calcium foods all contribute to constipation and stop our waste and toxins from leaving the body efficiently.

A regular exercise regime is also a beneficial way of colon cleansing through stimulation and regulating the colon system and helps the bowels to function regularly and efficiently at their most optimum level.

There are a number of natural supplements available to aid colon cleansing and bowel movements, in combination with regulated diet and exercise this can be the efficient and optimum form of colon cleansing available. The supplement ensure a better result that would be had anyway while exercising and eating a correct diet. The supplements can facilitate an entire flush out of the digestive system and this is a benefit to all in a number of ways.

Any natural supplements that you take for colon cleansing should be unprocessed and not mixed with any processed or artificial products. Many supplements are modified and added with processed products and this can cause further problems if the artificial products are toxic in any nature.

The most effective supplements are oxidization capsules that help to promote the use of oxygen within our bodies. Colon cleaning supplements which make the best use of oxygen are the most efficient at removing waste and toxins that have been able to build up on the intestinal and colonic walls.

Any colon cleanser should not promote diarrhea or dehydration, they should relax the waste in the bowels and make it easier to pass yet not create a diahrrea effect as this is not going to be beneficial in the end. Take a lot of extra water when you perform a colon cleanse as the supplements can act as a slight dehydration tool and this can create a weariness in the systems and not allow them to work at their full potential. Drinking plenty of water and remaining well hydrated will as well help cleaning and flushing the system of toxins along the way.

I hope this helps !