Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Colon Cancer Prognosis

Colon cancer is cancer of the large intestine (colon), the lower part of your digestive system. Also called colorectal cancer or large bowel cancer and includes cancerous growths in the colon, rectum and appendix.

Below is another video from Youtube which I find informative. Come back for more vids and info !

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

How to Benefit from Colon Cleansing

Most of the colon cleansers that you see are in the form of laxatives tablets, food and invasive procedures. These products are designed to promote stimulation in the colon muscles as well as help to alleviate constipation and waste build-up through bowel movements.

There are numerous health benefits to colon cleansing and you will find that it has been a great help to people with severe constipation, GERD, acid reflux, irritable bowel syndrome and chronic fatigue. Colon cleansers can even be helpful to skin problems, acne and weight loss as well as decreasing bloating in the body.

All digestive problems are caused through an increased build up of toxins which prevents the system from getting rid of all the waste products from our digestive system. It is necessary to help the system flush out all the toxins and start working at optimal rate again for our health to be at its best.

Some people believe that in order to be the healthiest we can be, a regular cleanse of colon should be undertaken by every individual. Many colon cleansing products act as a sponge through the digestive system and soak the toxins and waste as they pass through and expellithe toxins out of the colon in our faeces.

There are many different types of colon cleaning products and procedures available and each person is different in their needs and desires. It is best to do as much research as you can and discover what you want to get out of the colon cleanse and what areas you need to be careful of and which need the most benefit at that time.

As well as enemas, colonic irrigation and hydrotherapy there are many less invasive methods to choose from and you will be able to take many different oral remedies to help yourself clean your colon.

In order to make sure you have the full benefits of a colon cleanse you need to make changes to your diet and lifestyle in order to keep your colon clean thereafter. You need to make sure you are in taking enough probiotics (friendly bacteria) and this will ensure that the digestive system remains working at its full potential and you remain healthy after the colon cleanse is completed.

If you are performing the colon cleanse as part of a full body detox then it is a good idea to include some vitamins, minerals and amino acid supplements to your diet to help detoxify the rest of your body as well as just your digestive system. These supplements will help all the bodily systems to work at a better and more advantageous rate for your health and well being.

And lastly, to benefit fully from a colon cleanse, it is important to prevent the build up of waste and toxins again in your digestive system. Adopting a healthier lifestyle through diet, exercise and supplements will ensure that you are remaining clean and clear in the intestines and in the colon so the build up of waste and toxins is reduced dramatically leaving you a healthier person overall. Checking with a doctor or a colon therapist before undertaking a colon cleanse will arm you with all the information and knowledge you will need to make the best decision and choose the best method for you personally so you will reap the most benefits.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Early Symptoms of Colon Cancer

Maintaining a healthy diet and lifestyle can certainly help to prevent colon cancer.

Medical studies suggest that avoiding alcohol, smoking and obesity can help reduce the risk of colon cancer. Staying tuned to your bodily functions and seeking medical attention if any colon cancer early symptoms are found will also ensure early detection, should growths arise.

Recall the old adage "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure".

For more information on colon cleansing, please check up my other posts on them :)

Stay healthy people !

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Symptoms of Colon Cancer

In the early stages, colon cancer usually doesn't have symptoms. As the disease progresses, which can take years, symptoms include :

  • Blood in stools
  • Persistent constipation, diarrhea, or other bowel changes
  • Thinner stools
  • Unexplained weight loss
  • Abdominal pain and discomfort- generally feeling full, bloated, or cramping
  • Abdominal tenderness or pain
  • Fatigue

These colon cancer symptoms are not unique and can also be symptoms of many other conditions. It is still advisable to seek medical advice to ensure you are alright.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Colon Cancer 5-Year Survival Rate

People who have IBD are at an increased risk for colon cancer.

When reading research regarding cancer treatments, you'll notice that "5-year survival rate" is often mentioned. The 5-year survival rate is a percentage of patients who are alive 5 years after they were diagnosed with cancer (not counting those who die of causes unrelated to the cancer).

The National Cancer Institute's Physician Data Query system shows these 5-year survival rates for colon cancer by stage as follows :

  • Stage 0 - > 92%
  • Stage I - 80 to 95%
  • Stage II - 55 to 80%
  • Stage III - 33 to 55%
  • Stage IV - < 15%

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Colon Cleansing In Brief

There are so many reasons that colon cleansing is vitally important in our lives, it is the last place that the food is in the digestive system and it is an organ that is often ignored.

The colon is responsible for the absorption of the nutrients and vitamins from our food and of producing the waste matter and getting rid of the toxins from the body. In today’s world there are more impurities and toxins in the air, soil and food that we eat that there used to be and so it is more important for us to take care of our digestive systems and make sure that they are clear, clean and working at their optimal levels.

Below is an educational video on how to detox naturally.

Detoxification is the process of getting rid of toxins from your body. This is pretty crucial when it comes to maintaining health. If you have digestive problems, skin problems or generally feel without energy and motivation, you probably need to look into methods of detoxification. The process is really about cleaning blood and getting rid of toxins that are mainly processed in the liver. The lungs, lymph, skin and intestine are other channels that these harmful substances are eliminated through.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Is Colon Cleansing Safe ?

The colon is a specific area of the lower intestine where waste materials and toxins that have been built up in the body over time are stored before they are excreted. With each bowel movement, the colon gets rid of toxins and waste materials from the body that has been produced through the oxidation of food in the body.

The colon can periodically get clogged due to a lack of efficiency in the body and its systems. When that happens and extra build up of waste present, the symptoms will show themselves as constipation and stomach ache among others, and if it is not dealt with can cause further complications and disorders.

There are many different ways in which we can naturally and organically help our digestive systems and bodily systems to function better at their optimal rates and help prevent colon and intestinal build up. These ways include drinking plenty of water and always remaining well hydrated as well as getting the right amounts of roughage and fibre in our diets.

Regular exercise is also a key ingredient in keeping our colons and entire digestive tracts healthy and in good working order.

Our daily diet contains a lot of natural colon cleaners and as long as we are eating a balanced and healthy diet on a daily basis our colons should remain healthy and clear. Fibre is a brilliant tool for helping to clean colons as it acts as a form of brush in our intestines, sweeping up all the waste and toxins as it passes through so that we can excrete it safely.

In some extreme cases when the natural path to colon cleansing is not seeming to work properly then there are plenty of further methods and solutions to cleaning our Colons. There are further natural methods to explore such as vitamin tablets and many herbal remedies that can be taken orally and have a cleaning affect on our whole body as well as our Colons. These are a mainly filled with fibre which, again, can safely be acquired though a balanced diet so it is recommended to attempt the diet first.

These methods are the least invasive and embarrassing as well as being the most pleasant form of colon cleaning available, yet, if there is a large stubborn blockage and further health problems and complications are beginning to arise, a more immediate and drastic form of colon cleansing may be required.

In this situation, we can see more drastic measures being taken such as enemas and colonic irrigation. Artificial colon cleaners are available but the problems that arise with these types of cleaning mechanisms are the affect that they have on the intestinal walls. As well as accumulating waste material, the intestines are the location of the nutrients of food to be absorbed into our bodies. When artificial colon cleaners are used in this area we can see problems arise with the absorption rate of nutrients which can cause further problems.

The problems that this can lead to are mainly through dehydration and no colon cleanser has yet to be FDA approved fully under these circumstances. Of course in extreme circumstances we may have no choice but to act immediately but if there is no immediate danger then natural methods of colon cleaning are always to be preferred.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Colon Cancer Symptoms and Info

Colorectal cancer, also called colon cancer or bowel cancer, includes cancerous growths in the colon, rectum and appendix. It is the third most common form of cancer and the second leading cause of cancer-related death in the Western world.

Colorectal cancer causes 655,000 deaths worldwide per year. Many colorectal cancers are thought to arise from adenomatous polyps in the colon. These mushroom-like growths are usually benign, but some may develop into cancer over time. The majority of the time, the diagnosis of localized colon cancer is through colonoscopy. Therapy is usually through surgery, which in many cases is followed by chemotherapy.

Colon cancer often causes no symptoms until it has reached a relatively advanced stage. Thus, many organizations recommend periodic screening for the disease with fecal occult blood testing and colonoscopy. When symptoms do occur, they depend on the site of the lesion.

Generally speaking, the nearer the lesion is to the anus, the more bowel symptoms there will be, such as:

  • Change in bowel habits o change in frequency (constipation and/or diarrhea)
  • Change in the quality of stools o change in consistency of stools
  • Bloody stools or rectal bleeding
  • Tarry stools (melena) (more likely related to upper gastrointestinal eg stomach or duodenal disease)
  • Stools with mucus
  • Reduction in diameter of faeces
  • Feeling of incomplete defecation (tenesmus) (usually associated with rectal cancer)
  • Bowel obstruction (rare)
The following is another informative video from YT on symptoms associated with colon cancer.

For your viewing pleasure please.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Colon Cancer Survival Rate

Note that : when colon cancer is caught early, patients have a better than 90% chance of survival. If you are at risk, regular screening can save your life.

Risk factors include, but not limited to the following symptoms :

  • Age over 50
  • A family history of colon cancer
  • A personal history of colon cancer
  • Long standing Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)
  • Personal history of polyps
  • Sedentary lifestyle
  • Diet low in fruits & vegetables
  • Obesity
  • Smoking

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Super Colon Cleansing

Have you ever heard of the saying ‘death starts with the colon’?

If not, I do confirm to you that majority of the body ailments are either directly or indirectly connected to the colon functioning as are several forms of cancers and other fatal complications . Fortunately super colon cleanse comes in handy. Contrary to the other common colon cleansing enemas, as barium, coffee and many others, the process is very simple and easy to perform. It has been proved to assist in internal detoxification and excretion resulting in a clean colon that maintains a healthy equilibrium of body micro-organisms hence enhancing your bodies of defense.

What is Super Colon Cleanse ?

The most simple definition of this colon cleanse can be termed as an effective colon cleansing compound or capsules made of herbs that include Psyllium husk powder, Senna tea or Powder, Fennel Seed, Peppermint, Papaya seeds, Cascara Sagrada, Rose Hips, Buckthorn Bark, Oregon Grape Root, Celery and Acidophilus. The ingredient in the capsule depends on the source or the individual manufacturer and can have a combination that exceeds thirteen herbs.

Some Advantages of Super Colon Cleansing

As earlier stated super colon cleansing has many advantages to the body that will eliminate the chances of you being rendered inactive while ending up spending a lot of cash on medical bills.

Some advantages include :

  1. Increased ease in body excretion as the colon is cleared of debris that stick on the walls
  2. Assists in weight loss for the process of absorption and waste removal is fastened.
  3. Re energizes your body; increased vigor
  4. Improves your skin texture and functioning
  5. Reduces constipation chances.
  6. Safer than most of the colon cleansing methods

Safety Procedures in Administration of the Super Colon Cleanse Capsules

Like any other compound that is ingested into the body there are numerous risks that are faced as overdose, wrong medication, wrong age or health status ingestion, wrong prescription and many others.

To avoid these safety risks the following measures should be observed :

  • Always consult a doctor or medical physician before starting the colon cleanse activity.
  • Read the instruction labels carefully even after the doctor approves the prescription.
  • Swallow the capsules with a lot of water to avoid unexpected choking as the gone to the stomach
  • Avoid them if you already or have developed diarrhea, loose stool or experience some acute abdominal pains.
  • Avoid using it in children under six year for they are more prone iron poisoning if accidentally overdosed.
  • No expectant mothers or invalid persons are allowed to use the super colon cleansing capsules.

In general the super colon cleanse capsules are better than all other methods used to reach the same goals as weight loss and maintaining a healthy internal balance of the healthy microbes. Its cost is also considerably lower and does not consist of a lot of health hazards as addiction or nagging side effects. If you are looking for the ideal solution for a healthy colon, super colon cleanser is the answer !

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Alcohol Consumption can Increase Risk of Colon Cancer

The results of a 2001 study show that people who drink alcohol consistently for 20 years have a higher risk of developing colon cancer tumors. However, as more evidence becomes available it is apparent that the relationship between cancer and alcohol is more complex than merely cause and effect.

A second recent study shows that while alcohol intake is related to rectal cancer, risk appears to be reduced when wine is included in the alcohol intake.

In any case, always drink in moderation as over-drinking will still do more harm than good to your overall health.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Overview of Colon Cancer Screening

Several screening methods are highly effective in detecting colon cancer. Screening tests include:

1. Colonoscopy
A colonoscopy allows the doctor to get an in-depth view of the colon with the use of a colonoscope, a fiber optic tube that is attached to a microscopic camera that transmits live video feed to a monitor. The colonoscope is gently inserted into the anus and slowly to the colon, giving the doctor a full view of the rectum and large intestine. It is common to be nervous about a colonoscopy, so people are given a sedative prior to the procedure to aid in relaxation, and also to help the doctor complete the colonoscopy.

2. Fecal Occult Blood Test
A fecal occult blood test (FOBT) finds blood in your stool that you may not see with the naked eye or to confirm that it is actually blood in the stool that you may have seen. You are given a special kit to collect stool samples.

3. Barium Enema
During a barium enema, a doctor inserts liquid barium into the rectum. X-rays are taken of you laying several positions. The barium allows the colon to be viewed better on X-rays.

4. Sigmoidoscopy
A sigmoidoscopy is done with a flexible, lighted tube with an attached camera, but it is limited to only the lower part of the colon.

For adults who are at average risk of colon cancer, it is recommended to begin screening for colon cancer at age 50. Adults who are classified at higher risk may begin screening earlier at the recommendation of their doctor. Remember that even if you are not experiencing symptoms of colon cancer, you should always follow your doctor's colon cancer screening recommendations.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Various Colon Cleansing Methods

There are countless reasons to perform a colon cleanse and in today’s world with the increased toxins, stress and lower levels of nutrition it is becoming more and more important for people to regularly cleanse their colons in order to stay at their optimum health.

Having a healthy colon helps to combat a variety of health complaints and problems that may arise such as weight issues, constipation, fatigue and even colon cancer.

Below are some colon cleansing methods which you might want to take a look at :

Colon Hydrotherapy (also called colonic irrigation or colenema) – This is similar to an enema as warm water is filtered into the colon through a plastic tube in the anus. This is a delicate procedure that should only ever be performed by a trained professional and by FDA approved equipment. These methods cleanse the large intestine only and are affective for immediate relief. It is invasive and uncomfortable so should be only be undertaken if it is urgently required.

Laxatives – These are oral forms of colon cleansing and are, like the enemas, used to combat constipation by short term use. Laxatives work by softening the stools and cause the intestinal and colonic muscles to contract which then cause a bowel movement and the expulsion of waste.

Laxatives are good method for occasional constipation and are not a good remedy for long term disorders and problems. They will not work on removing the waste matter and toxins that are stuck on the walls of the colon and intestines. As well as not removing impacted waste, laxatives can cause dehydration if taken without plenty of water, again, hence they should only be used for short term relief.

Enemas – The most common method used for relieving constipation and involves, similarly to the hydrotherapy, a small amount of water being passed through the colon to clear the bowels.

This method works by loosening the faeces that are in the colon and clears the waste matter that is stuck to the colon wall. This is a very useful method to be used in cases of extreme constipation and is not a long term method of improving health and well being. It is an invasive and awkward method and can only be done under extremely clean and professional conditions.

Oxygen Based Colon Cleaners – This is largely thought of as the most effective method of colon cleansing and is a natural but useful way to remain healthy and active. Oxygen based colon cleansers are taken orally and help to speed up and amplify the effect that oxygen has around the body. They can help to rejuvenate and maintain a healthy colon and remove impacted faecal matter that has become built up on the walls of the intestines.

Herbal Colon Cleansers – There are a variety of herbal cleansers which mainly contain a form of plant fiber called psyllium. Psyllium acts on the stools to increase their volume which encourages the colon to contract and create a bowel movement. Herbal cleansers are very beneficial for constipation and can work well on short term discomfort, but again, are not able to work on the impacted faecal matter on the intestinal walls and will be unable to remove all the toxins and impurities. Another alternative is senna.

There are many more ways that are available and it is always best to research which one will be the most effective colon cleansing method to suit your particular needs.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

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