Tuesday, April 13, 2010

On Colon Cleansing Pills and Clinical Cleansing

So, how is it everyone ? Been busy as my mom has been hospitalised for breathlessness and not been able to check on my blog. On doc's advice, also did a MT scan but luckily so far nothing is found to be wrong with her.

Ever tried any of the OTC colon cleansing pills or even gone for a colon cleanse before ?

The reason why you are at my blog now is probably to find out more about them.

In an earlier post, I mentioned I went for a colon cleanse/screen. It was "alright" once you get used to that feeling LOL , if you know what I mean. Otherwise, it will certainly be something worth experiencing LOL, on top of getting a good cleanse :)

To sum up, however, colon cleansing pills that are of vegetarian formula are highly recommended as it is less abrasive to your gut. Also, it is advisable that you go for a cleanse if you have not done so. Doing it once every few years is good for you.

Learn to take care of your colon as it is often highly disregarded ~

However, do consult with your family doctor first to see if the OTC medicine or the clinical cleanse is suitable for you. Read on in my blog about OTC cleansing medication, colon cancer screening and who is suitable :)